This last weekend was full of house work, video games and hanging out as a family.
Friday evening Hayden counted out some change he's been saving up. He had saved $30 in just quarters and dimes. He choose to spend it on either a toy or a video game. He browsed the two stores we went to and just couldn't decide what to spend his dough on.
He found a game he wanted but it was $40 so I pulled out my phone and found it used on Amazon for much less. So he only has to wait 3 days and he saved $20 For LEGO Lord of the Rings
Saturday I stepped onto our back patio to see some bulbs I had planted a few weeks ago had quickly sprouted some beautiful daffodils. I also have new sweet mint and strawberry plants. Most of our outdoor garden died this past winter when it was really cold. I lost some aloe plants and my bell pepper, so now I'm trying to rebuild my little patio garden.
The rest of our weekend was pretty BLAH. We watched movies, did house work, and kept the couch cushions warm.
Sunday my friend put a new hose in my Beast and I had a nice sunny drive home. We ended the weekend bbqing with our friends.
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